Alum of the Nat C. Robertson Science & Society Graduate Fellowship
2021- 22
Jordan Lewis
Jordan Lewis is a PhD candidate in the Population Biology, Ecology, and Evolution Program and is completing a doctoral certificate in bioethics. He is advised by Levi Morran, PhD and his dissertation examines how various evolutionary and environmental dynamics influence host-parasite interactions and shape the evolution of host defenses. Jordan is a recipient of the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship and is a graduate of Winthrop University, where he completed a degree in Biology and Environmental Science.
Enily Whitehead
Emily Whitehead is a PhD student, specialising in Ancient Egyptian art. Emily’s research interests centre on Middle Kingdom funerary art and texts, and discussions of agency and identity. She completed her MA in Ancient History with first class honours, at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, as a Faculty Scholar with a thesis entitled The Coffins of Sen and Gua: A discussion of the layout of the interior and exterior decoration, exploring the connection between the inner and outer coffins of two Middle Kingdom individuals. She was also awarded her BA majoring in Anthropology and Ancient History and BA(Hons) with first class honours in Ancient History at the University of Auckland. While completing her degrees, she was employed at the Centre for Learning and Teaching at Auckland University of Technology (AUT) and achieved Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy.
Aashis Thapa
Aashis Thapa is a PhD candidate in the Cancer Biology Program, specializing in targeted therapy development for acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Aashis’s dissertation evaluates novel synergistic drug combinations and explores the potential of those novel combinations for clinical translation in AML. He graduated with a BA in Biology from Reed College in Oregon. Prior to joining Emory’s Cancer Biology Program, he was involved in targeted therapy research led by Dr. Brian Druker, a precision-medicine pioneer, at the Oregon Health & Science University.